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Some cosmetic surgery, and an update on the latest short story

Que pasa, muchachos …

As I am sitting here typing this out on a Saturday morning, both of my dogs are going berzerk over the moving truck in the alley out back. I realize that they (the dogs, not the movers) think that this display of verbal canine aggression is somehow helpful, but I am thinking about winging a shoe at one of them, all the same.

(Note: I would never actually try to hit one of them, but sometimes a well placed near-miss goes a long way to reestablishing peace and quiet when dealing with boisterous pit bulls.)

So, about a month ago, I got a chance to meet one of my heroes, the legendary Joe Lansdale. I got a copy of his latest book The Thicket autographed, and I gave him a copy of Infernal Machines. A few days later, he contacted me and said he really enjoyed my book. Once I was able to peel myself off of the ceiling, he offered me a few pieces of advice, including the suggestion that I change the book’s cover. So I set out to do so, immediately. The new design is the result of me bouncing a few ideas over to YA/Fantasy author Rebecca Hamilton, who in addition to being a gifted writer, is also a wiz at graphic design. A few weeks later, she had a mock-up ready, because she’s awesome.

Anyway, here’s Infernal Machines new look. I hope you guys like it. 


Personally, I couldn’t be more happy with the way this turned out. If there’s any lesson to learn here, it’s to spend as much time as you possibly can around people much smarter and more talented that yourself, and keep your ears open to their suggestions. Also, if you do a Google image search of Infernal Machines + Will Millar , the 2nd photo that pops up is of Lindsay Lohan doing a “derp” face. If you don’t believe me, go look it up. Go ahead, I’ll wait right here …


Did you see that? It’s downright eerie, isn’t is? No, I honestly don’t know why that’s the case, and I’m as mystified as you are by the thing. 

Moving on – this week, my latest story, Hopelessness is The New Heroin Chic, was released as part of a new anthology called Dark In The Limelight. It’s out now, and if you would like to pick up a copy, here’s a link for paperbacks. Prefer reading on your Kindle, iPad, etc? That’s okay, just click here.


Dark In The Limelight was made possible by the good folks over at Horrified Press, who have a lot of really cool projects coming out soon. I’ll be doing at least one more anthology with them in the next couple of months, when they do a follow up to Suzy and Bruce Lockhart’s excellent Nightmare Stalkers and Dream Walkers collection.

That’s pretty much all I got for today folks. In closing, here’s a shot of some pigs having fun at a high dive tower. Adios


Welcome to the new digs …

Greetings and Salutations Everybody.

So, in the interest of maintaining some semblance of a professional veneer I’ve decided to set up a new site dedicated to, well, me. 

This will be the place where I announce things like new projects, upcoming Cracked articles, and whatever else might be coming down the pike. On that note, here’s some stuff coming down said pike in just the next few days … Image

Not that kind of Pike …

Okay, so on October 23rd (just in time for Halloween) the good folks over at Horrified Press are releasing Dark In The Limelight, a themed Horror anthology. My latest short story, Hopelessness is the New Heroin Chic, will be featured along with a lot of great work from some really talented writers. Interested? Sure you are. You can find out more information about the release here.

Coming soon, a brand new Cracked article that I co-wrote with Jacopo Della Quercia, and some pretty cool news about Infernal Machines. In closing, here’s a picture of the Creature from the Black Lagoon at a karaoke bar. Later.
